Sunday, 7 December 2008

I'm not sending Christmas cards again this year....

But I am going to join in Miscmum's Christmas Card Challenge.

I will donate unused postage to Oxfam for each of you leaves a comment on my blog. I would promise to send you an ecard like miscmum is doing, but anyone who knows me well will understand that, despite good intentions, it will probably not happen! So comment away, and know that I will be sending love and light your way this Christmas and some money to those less fortunate.

Gee, where did that last month go?

I've been meaning to make a few posts, but more urgent things seem to have overtaken me. Now I finally sit down and realise it has been a whole month since I last made the time.

Thanks for your concern about the headache. It's gone now although my eyesight is still a bit dodgy at times. Crams, I have contemplated it being food issues for a while. I'm still working up to an elimination diet. I'm scared..... it seems so hard:(

In the last week, Amelie has received a prize at her first school presentation night, Juliet has sung and danced with all her might at her daycare Christmas concert, and Euan has started crawling and grown 2 teeth. In the next week we have a preschool concert for Juliet, a couple of Christmas parties, followed closely by my birthday and a visit from my sister and her new baby. Lots to look forward to, gotta love this time of year!