Saturday, 6 September 2008

Butterscotch Biscuits

The meal plan has gone out the window since Tuesday. The kids and I have been sick, with only Neil keeping the show on the road. I did manage to bake the rest of the Butterscotch Biscuit dough.

This is a recipe that my mum gave me, and something that would rate as one of my childhood favourites. It make lots (like dozens) of biscuits and the dough seems to keep well in the fridge for a couple of days. The other reason I like it is because it is a melt and mix recipe. None of the "creaming butter and sugar" business that I detest. The end result was denser than I remember Mum's being, but I'm not sure if that is due to the extended time in the fridge or the dairy free margarine I used. This could possibly be a failsafe recipe if you use failsafe margarine and omit the vanilla.

Butterscotch Biscuits

250g margarine
1 and a quarter cups brown sugar (where is the quarter fraction sign?!!?)
2 small eggs
3 cups self raising flour
1 teaspoon vanilla

Melt margarine in a saucepan, remove from heat, add sugar*. Stir well until blended.
When quite cool, add beaten eggs. Mix well, add vanilla and sifted flour.
Roll into small balls. Place on greased tray, press with back of fork.
Bake in moderate oven 10-15 minutes.

*I used a ceramic mixing bowl and melted the butter in the microwave, then added the sugar. It worked well, and saved washing an extra pot!


Sister Suffragette! said...

These sound great!
When I get around to baking them I'll blog 'em!

Megan said...

Chrissy, I feel honoured:)